About Me
My Story
A passionate game designer from Austin eager to share his talents.
For the past 8 years I have been learning everything I can about the games industry through personal projects, classroom lessons and professional environments. I love storytelling and the way games can impact us, and wish nothing more than to continue the trend.
I am driven by stories
The best gift I can think of receiving is the joy on someone’s face when they experience a game I helped create. I imagine it’s the same way for most in the industry. If you’d like to make something for people to enjoy together, please reach out!
Super Efficient
The most important thing is
keeping a clear head and staying
focused on what the player wants
Deeply Committed
A team that truly understands each
other and every step of the process
can achieve great things.
Highly Skilled
8+ years of experience in
– Coding
– Narrative Design
– Worldbuilding
– Quality Assurance